Sparky’s Jam 2019
Sparkys Jam 2019 has come and gone, but the memories of a great day will last a while!
With a few hundred riders and even more people spectating the day was full of riding, shopping, hangin, and more riding!
3 events took place including the Rant “Best Costume, Subrosa “Best Rail” and Shadow “Best Trick” and the winners were awarded the coveted Game Boy Trophies!
We also had our first Sparkys Jam wedding proposal and she said YES! Congrats to George and Lindsey!
A HUGE thank you from all of us at Sparkys Distribution, The Shadow Conspiracy, Subrosa, Rant, and Bone Deth to everyone who came out to spend the day with us.
Filmed and Edited by
Andrew Knight @elevatedperspectives